Bluestone's fees are based on
the amount under management in each client
relationship and range up to 1% of the total market
value of each managed account. The standard minimum
account size is $3 million. Fees are payable in
advance and billed at the end of each quarter. Fees
are negotiable.
A detailed report is sent to each client at the end
of every quarter. This report shows the current
value of the client's account, the asset allocation,
the current security positions, and, for each
security held, the cost, current market value,
estimated annual interest and dividend income, if
any. Additionally, performance reports are generated
to show the time-weighted rate of return on the
client's portfolio over specified time periods.
Clients receive monthly statements from the
brokerage firm or bank where their securities are
held. We review for accuracy all confirmations and
monthly statements received from our clients'